Saturday, January 22, 2011

you and i collide :)

"I hope you know that I will always be here
for you. I don't care if it's three in the morning.
When you need me or want to talk, call me and 
I will be waiting."

"Sometimes you got to realize who has always 
been there for you because those aren't the people
you need to keep in your life. I guarantee you should
never let them go."

"You don't see what's special about a moment
until you look back on it in the future, when you
that you can't have it anymore."

"Just now looking back on a relationship, 
I understand how great it was and now it's
gone. This made me think about how I should
have done things and I know now that we all 
need to remember and take in good moments
because you might not be able to get these 
moments back."

"Give me your worst, I'll be fine because I've
been through so much. I've learned only time
can heal a broken heart and a wounded mind."

"Sometimes it's the things you don't say that hurt the most."

"If you give a lot of time to the improvements
of yourself then there is not time to criticize others."

"Learning who your true friends are can hurt.
But at least it shows you who is willing to stick 
with you through anything and everything."

"I love you. I love you not just because you're
adorable or because you're sweet, or because
you're my best friend. I love you because you make
me step outside myself and look at who I really am.
You make me want to be a better person, just because you 
are who you are. I can tell you absolutely everything, 
and I know you will always listen."

"Just because you're on the Disney Channel and you
always have a smile on your face, they think you're perfect,
and it's obvious that nobody's life really is."

"When you're struggling with something, look at
all the people around you and realize that every
single person you see is struggling with something, 
and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through."

"We fear rejection, want attention, 
crave affection and dream of perfection."

"Seven days withouth you, makes one weak."

"To be blind is bad, but worse is 
to have eyes and not see."

"Here's to the nights when the grass is your seat, 
the heat from the fire kisses your feet, your friends
outnumber to stars, and even the chilliest of nights, 
are still warmer than the cold one in your hand."

"When faced with two choices, simply toss
a coin. It works not because it settles the question
for you, but because in that brief moment when the 
coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you
are hoping for."

"Just the thought of being with you tomorrow
gives me the strength to go on today."

"A successful relationship requires falling in love
many times, always with the same person."

"My eyes have stopped searching because 
I can honestly say my heart has found 
exactly what it's been looking for."

"You have to stand up for what you believe
and sometimes you have to stand alone."

Here is just a quick little post :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

sorry this has taken so long!

"You always told me how you hate to see me hurt, 
and how you hate to see me cry. So all those times
you hurt me, did you close your eyes?"

"But I think that's what goodbyes are. They're 
imcomplete, and you honestly don't know how long 
the goodbye will last. It's part of life."

"It's better to just quietly miss someone
rather than to let them know and
get no response."

"You're a perfectly bound book,
written in ten different languages.
All of them beautiful, but none of
them I can understand."

"He made a mistake, he pushed her
away when he needed her most, replaced
her with someone who didn't even come
close. Now he's got to live with the fat that
there isn't anybody who will ever come close,
and there's no way she's ever coming back."

"I miss him in so many ways, but right now,
I miss him in the way you always miss someone
when you're single amoung a room full of couples."

"I have this problem. I broke up with my boyfriend,
and I'm pretty upset about it, so I wanted to talk to
my best friend, but the thing is. There both you."

"I wonder about your life now. Do you wonder
why we were friends, why we aren't anymore,
why we made those choices we did? Do you
wonder how things might be different if we hadn't?
Even you must admit that parting was a turning point
in both our lives. For awhile, we were practically
the same person, you and I."

"You can hear it in my voice, read it on
my face. I'm drowning in the memories,
of the past I can't replace."

"There's something to be said about a glass
half full. About knowing when to say when.
I think it's a floating line. A barometer of need and desire.
It's entirely up to the individual. And depends on what's
being poured. Sometimes all we want is a taste.
Other times there's such thing as enough, the
glass is bottomless. And all we want is more."

"Whoever said that falling in love was easy
never tried falling when so many people
were trying to hold you up."

"If all difficulties were known at the onset of
a long journey, most of us would never start out at all."

"Inspire to be that girl you've always known.
Let her out, speak your mond, and allow all your
colors to shine."

"Never back down for something you believe in,
change can only conquer if you stand your ground."

"Reach for the brightest star, climb the highest mountain,
and be the best you can be."

"You may be only one girl, but you can
be that one girl who changes everything."

"There is no such thing in anyone's life
as an unimportant day."

"The future belongs to those who
believe in the beauty of their dreams."

"Being with all the girls in the world
doesn't make you the man. But making
one girl feel like she is the world; well that does."

"I feel strong now. What I needed to do is forgive
myself before forgiving you. I needed to forgive
myself for going back time after time."

"Happiness is not based on possessions,
power, or prestige, but on relationships with
people you love and respect."

"Creativity is the power to connect
the seemingly unconnected."

"There is always that one guy best friend
who you will fall in love with sooner or later."

"Laughing always makes someone better."

"Whatever is trying to bring you down
is already below you."

"I want you to want to hangout with me
at 1 P.M. not 1 A.M."

"I don't know the key to success, but the
key to failure is trying to please everybody."

"Sometimes, the only thing people see is
what you did, when in fact, they should be
looking at why you did it."

"There is no point in leaving
if you have every intention of
coming back."

"Never let anyone take away your smile."

Well here is a post! Sorry it took forever! I am back at school and have already had one full week of classes! My dear friend Aleeza Saande died in a car accident last Sunday, everyone please keep her and her family in your prayers :)